When it comes to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Cedric Martinez sort of knows what he's talking about. The Frenchman has appeared on the show as a house guest of Lisa Vanderpump.
And in a new email rant to Radar Online, Martinez says Bravo and Taylor Armstrong should be ashamed of themselves for the way they've exploited the suicide of Russell Armstrong.
"The producers, Taylor, Lisa and Kyle once again used the power of a hit TV show to trash the memory of a dead man," Cedric says. “Russell was far from perfect. And physical abuse is always wrong. But the Russell-Taylor marriage was a helluva lot more complicated than the ‘broke abuser commits suicide’ narrative RHOBH has shoved down viewers’ throats."
Martinez goes on to refer to both Taylor and Russell as "fame whores" (while acknowledging he is one, as well), adding that Taylor's upcoming memoir, "Hiding From Reality," is nothing but a pathetic example of someone looking to prosper off a tragedy.
“Her insta-memoir will further bury Russell's memory with lies and half-truths, of which he can't defend himself against. Sad. Especially for Russell's children, Kennedy, Griffin and Aiden."
In the book, Taylor details ways in which Russell supposedly spied on her during their marriage.
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